Wednesday 15 January 2014

Thank You Very Much Plumrose Lane!

Hello, hello! Glad you're here! Welcome! You've come in time to observe my HUGE THANK YOU to  Plumrose Lane

Plumrose Lane. 
I've been searching the internet, looking for help with adding and updating my blog. Putting it mildly, I'm challenged when it comes to implementing directions. I stumbled upon the Plumrose Lane website and found the tutorial (FREE) that explained how to accomplish what I needed! The explanations were simple and straightforward.  I was so happy when the directions proved to work exactly as they said! Not only that, the site owner said she was in an ongoing process to update the instructions as needed. I can't ask for more than that. Please visit as soon as you can! It's a site for "graphic designs, tutorials and treasures for creative indie souls".
I am still learning, so bear with me, okay?
Take care and thanks to all those creative souls out there who have shaped, inspired and challenged me to try my best to be the best that I can be. :)


  1. What a lovely write-up Debbie, thanks so much! I'm just happy I can share the help ~ I know how much I hate stumbling around in the dark so if I can shed a little light for others I'm happy to!

  2. I don't see your email on your side bar, so I'll just leave a quick comment here to thank you for your sweet compliments! I'm hoping you snap out of it soon (said with kindness) and share some of your wonderful talent on your blog soon!! Big hugs, Darnell

  3. First, duh me here, welcome to blog land and if you ever need help let me know. I have been blogging for 6 years and have been where you were. :-) Happy to help however I can and if I can't I can usually find the answer by googling too.
